der reifen Sie sexuelle Momente in seiner Wohnung. ...more
Hallo zusammen, ich biete hier meine Dienste für vernachlässige/gelangweilte Frauen, Hausfrauen, Omas, Tanten und Andere. Es kann sich Jede melden - Alter und Aussehen egal. Ich bin sauber und diskret und erwarte das auch von Dir. Ich freue mich auf Deinen Anruf oder Nachricht. Liebe Grüße ...more
According to estimates by experts (including the tax authorities), there are approximately 400,000 providers of erotic services in Germany - that's why people like to speak of Germany as "Europe's puff". Estimates continue to assume that 88% of German erotic service providers are female, approximately 6% male and approximately 6% transsexual.
Since the opening of the EU, the proportion of migrants has increased enormously and is around 65%, and even 88% for male sex service providers. Other studies in connection with the questioning of various health authorities assume significantly more migrants among sex workers in Germany. The majority of female sex workers in Germany are Bulgarian with approx. 18% and Romanian with approx. 14%.